This week is the 8th anniversary of the start of my blog back in 2003. This year I feel like there’s a reason to mention it since I’ve been posting more lately. Looking back it’s amazing how far I’ve come as a knitter. When I first started blogging I was working on my first sweater, I hadn’t started knitting socks, and I was still figuring out gauge. I learned to knit when I was 6 or 7 but knitting really became a consistent part of my life after I started my blog. Though I haven’t kept blogging consistently my knitting has been pretty much constant since then.
A lot has changed in my life too, in 2003 I was working for a large industrial company, later I went back to school and got my Bachelor in Business Administration. At that time I started working at the University where I earned my degree, where I’ve continued to work since graduating. I’ve moved twice since I started the blog, the last time to a townhouse that I own. I’ve gone from knitting tons of Christmas and Birthday presents to knitting only a few. I’ve helped make new knitters and inspired people to return to knitting.
It’s been a great 8 years, here’s hoping the next 8 are too!
Happy Blogiversary on your brother’s birthday *lol* Thanks for getting me back into knitting too.