Celtic Tote
The Celtic Tote is on the home stretch. Two more cables to outline, then seam it together and felt it.
Podster Gloves
The second Podster Glove needs most of its fingers, a thumb, and the mitten top.
Ripple Baby Blanket
The Ripple Baby Blanket has been put on hold while I work on other crochet projects. I expect to get back to it soon.
Bill’s Skull Scarf
I have picked up Bill’s Skull Scarf again and have worked a few skulls. I’m hoping to keep adding a skull each week until it’s done.
Harmony Sweater
Working on the yoke increases of the Harmony Sweater, about a third of the way through.
Granny Square Kindle Case
Almost finished the Granny Square Kindle Case, just need to add handle, and then put the lining into it.
Rainbow Bright Socks
Just started the Rainbow Bright Socks, so far little more than a toe.
Mathew’s 3rd Socks
Mathew’s 3rd Socks are finished.
Granny Square iPad Case
The Granny Square iPad Case is done.