Pink Bunny Slippers!!!
27 years ago on Sunday, Benita became a part of my life. I opened her up on Christmas morning and she became an almost constant companion for the next few years.

With Benita, came a wardrobe of outfits for her to wear. Including a nightgown made from leftover material from one of my nightgowns and matching pink bunny slippers (she’s wearing a different outfit in the photo above that also matched a dress Mom made for me).

What I didn’t realize until I saw Tiny Owl Knit’s Hopsalots pattern, is that all these years I have wanted a pair of bunny slippers like Benita’s. And for some reason I wanted to wear them on Christmas morning. So once my essential Christmas knitting was completed I cast on these slippers using Patons Classic Wool held double in Magenta and Aran.

I started them on Wednesday the 14th, finished the knitting on Saturday the 17th, felted them using Mom’s top loader washing machine on the 18th, and then did the finishing on them last night after all my non-essential Christmas knitting was complete. I had to add a little length to the slippers in order to get them to match the approximates given in the pattern. They took 15 minutes in the washing machine to felt to the right length. I spun them dry in the washer and then formed them to my feet before letting them sit to dry. For the finishing I used button eyes and commercial pompoms for the noses and tails so they would match the features on Benita’s slippers.

I’m so happy with these slippers. They are warm and fuzzy and just perfect.